Knight Magee raises awareness for Sanctuary Rescue

agency owners with beagle from shelter

September 25, 2017

We knew we needed to be involved with Sanctuary Rescue after learning about the great work they do. Kate has known the executive director for years, and several clients of ours had adopted dogs through the organization - so we wanted to find out how we could add our support.

The dedicated animal lovers who work with Sanctuary Rescue open their homes to foster dogs who are pulled from high-kill shelters, providing love, care, and training before the dogs move on to a permanent adoptive home. Pregnant and nursing dogs, along with orphaned puppies, are a particular focus, as they are especially vulnerable in shelters.

The photo with this story shows Ella, Sanctuary Rescue's "mascot." She came to the organization as a very ill puppy; they didn't know if she would make it through the first weekend. She did. Now she is thriving, and serving as an inspiration to everyone - dogs and humans alike.

We work to raise money and bring awareness to the organization through our agency's "Referrals for a Cause" program. For every referral we receive, we donate $10 to a charity in the community, and they're one of our featured nonprofits. We also use social media to get the word out.

Community involvement has always been very important to us, and over the last year, we've tried to put more focus on sharing what we're doing with clients and friends. You'd be amazed how much of a difference you can make in the community by just bringing whatever you can to the table. Everybody is busy, but as this contest proves, something that takes only a few minutes of effort can have a much bigger impact.

We're thrilled for Sanctuary Rescue, and we're happy to play whatever role we can in helping save dogs that would otherwise face an uncertain future.  

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